Dark Souls Wiki
Priscillas Dolch
Wpn Priscilla's Dagger
Mischwesen Priscilla - Drop
Physischer Schaden 80 Physische Abwehr 45
Magischer Schaden - Magische Abwehr 10
Feuerschaden - Feuerabwehr 30
Blitzschaden - Blitzabwehr 30
Kritischer Schaden 100 Stabilität} 26
Attribut Bonus Nötige Attribute
Stärke Geschicklichkeit Intelligenz Glaube Stärke Geschicklichkeit Intelligenz Glaube
- - - - - - - -
Zus.Eff. Aux Bleed
Aux Occult

Priscillas Dolch ist eine Waffe in Dark Souls.

Im Spiel[]

Man erhält Ihn, wenn man Mischwesen Priscilla im Boss Kampf den Schwanz abschlägt.


Priscilla's Dagger`s damage is unremarkable for a dagger, and has lower critical rates in comparison to other daggers. It makes up for this deficiency by having a very high bleed effect (50%; tied only with the Lifehunt Scythe). Priscilla's Dagger has an advantage over the Lifehunt Scythe in that it does not cause bleed buildup to the wielder; however, its bleed buildup is not as rapid.

Priscilla's Dagger has a bonus to Occult, making it slightly more useful against specific enemies. It also has a slightly greater reach than the other daggers, but has a standard critical rating, making it less useful for backstabs and ripostes.

Priscillas Dolch verfügt über ein einzigartiges Moveset, die leichte Attacke wartet mit normalen rechts-links Schwingbewegungen auf, während die starke Attacke mit ausladenden Bewegungen einem "Kampf-Tanz" nahekommt, der jedoch schwierig zu meistern ist.



  • This is the only weapon in the game with two different Aux effects.
  • Priscilla's Dagger is named a sword in the item description.
  • Priscilla's Dagger is one of the only Dragon weapons that does not have a two-handed special attack, the other being the Dragon Tooth.
  • Priscilla's Dagger is one of the four Dragon weapons that has a parameter bonus (the others being the Moonlight GreatswordDragon Bone Fist and the Dragon Tooth).

Upgrades (Waffe verstärken)[]

Benötigt: Drachenstein and 10,000 Seelen pro Upgrade.


Vorlage:DaggersNav Vorlage:DragonWeaponsNav
